What do you feed a baby orphan kangaroo?

It's important to understand that caring for a baby orphan kangaroo is extremely difficult and requires specialized expertise. It's illegal in most places to keep a wild kangaroo as a pet, and attempting to care for one yourself is extremely dangerous for both you and the joey.

If you find an orphaned kangaroo, the best course of action is to immediately contact a wildlife rescue organization or your local wildlife authority. They will have the knowledge and resources to properly care for the joey.

Here's why you should never attempt to care for an orphaned kangaroo yourself:

* Diet: Baby kangaroos need a specific diet of specialized formula that replicates their mother's milk. Attempting to feed them cow's milk or other common animal milk can be fatal.

* Warmth: They need a constant source of warmth and humidity.

* Medical Care: They can be susceptible to various diseases and require specific medical attention.

* Psychological Needs: They need the proper social interaction and stimulation to develop properly.

Remember: It's crucial to contact the authorities immediately if you encounter an orphaned kangaroo. They will ensure the joey gets the best possible care and has the chance to be released back into the wild.