* Grasses: They are selective grazers, preferring young, tender grasses.
* Herbs: They eat a variety of herbs, including clover, dandelion, and other flowering plants.
* Forbs: These are non-grassy herbs, and they make up a significant portion of their diet.
* Shrubs: Kangaroos will browse on leaves and twigs of shrubs, especially during times of drought or when other food sources are scarce.
* Bark: They sometimes eat bark, particularly from eucalyptus trees.
It's important to note that their diet varies depending on:
* Location: Their diet will be influenced by what plants are available in their specific habitat.
* Season: They will eat more grasses during the wet season when they are plentiful and switch to herbs and shrubs during the dry season.
* Availability of food: Kangaroos will adapt their diet based on what is most abundant and accessible.
Overall, Eastern Grey Kangaroos are opportunistic eaters, making the most of what's available to them in their environment.