Browsing Mammals:
* White-tailed deer: They find the foliage tasty and browse on it throughout the year.
* Rabbits: They prefer the young shoots and twigs.
* Moose: Another herbivore that enjoys the foliage, especially in winter.
Fruit-Eating Animals:
* Birds: Many bird species love the berries, including robins, cedar waxwings, mockingbirds, cardinals, and bluebirds.
* Squirrels: They also enjoy the berries, especially in the fall.
* Bears: Black bears occasionally eat the fruit, especially in times of scarcity.
Other Invertebrates:
* Caterpillars: Various caterpillars feed on the leaves.
* Insects: A variety of insects feed on the plant, contributing to its overall ecosystem.
The Northern Arrowwood is a valuable food source for many animals, contributing to their survival and biodiversity.