How to Use a Grinder Mixer for Beef Cattle

A grinder mixer serves as a mill to refine and combine the various feed grains that compose a farm animal's diet. For beef cattle, grains are the primary form of sustenance during the finishing stage, when rapid weight gain is needed. To meet the requirements for optimal nutrition, grains must be crushed, mixed and, in some cases, medicinally supplemented for livestock to reach the desired weight while retaining good health. Central to this task are the machine's hammers and screw auger, which pulverize and mix, respectively. The capacity and horsepower of the grinder mixer must be relative to a farmer's needs --- how many varieties of livestock owned and how many of each. A cattle rancher or dairy farmer must determine the suitable equipment based on herd size and dietary regime.


    • 1

      Formulate the feed mix rations according to the stage of growth, purpose and nutritional needs of the herd. A combination of grains helps to mitigate acidosis and hastens starch digestion in the rumen. Consult your extension agent and veterinarian for assistance.

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      Weigh each component of the mix in batches. Proper nutrition for the cows is a precision-oriented goal. Each element must be in correct proportion to the others.

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      Couple your tractor's power take-off with the grinder-mixer's drive system. The tractor should be off and all gears should be in neutral when connecting.

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      Flush out or clean the inside of the machine by running previously ground grain through the system. This helps to prevent cross-contamination.

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      Access the storage bin of each feed grain by means of the grinder mixer's intake auger. If your mixer is without this part, control distribution directly from the bin into the open hopper.

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      Achieve the desired particle size by adjusting the tractor engine's operating revolutions per minute, which can affect hammer speed. You can also experiment with grinder screens of varying opening sizes to sift the right size.

    • 7

      Engage the grinder mixer, purveying a portion of the grains into the charging chute. Follow this with supplemental medicine and antibiotics, subsequently adding the remainder of the grains.

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      Receive the feed mix from the distribution auger, using bags or clean bins. Store the feed until needed.