When can cattle feed after spraying?

I cannot give you a specific timeframe for when cattle can feed after spraying.

Here's why:

* The type of spray matters: Different pesticides have different withdrawal periods. Some are safe for animals to graze on within hours, while others may require several days or even weeks.

* The type of feed matters: If the spray is applied to pasture, the withdrawal period might be different than if it's applied to hay or grain.

* The specific product matters: Each pesticide has its own label with instructions for use and withdrawal times.

What you should do:

1. Read the pesticide label carefully: The label will provide specific instructions on the safe withdrawal period for cattle after spraying.

2. Consult with a veterinarian or agricultural expert: They can give you the most accurate information based on the specific pesticide used and the situation.

Remember: It's crucial to follow the label instructions to ensure the safety of your cattle and prevent potential health issues.