How to Feed Vegetables to Rabbits by Weight

Rabbits are pets that require careful attention and a varied diet for their health. While you can get rabbit food at your local livestock food distribution center, you should incorporate a healthy dose of fresh vegetables to your rabbit's diet every day. Your rabbit's weight determines the amount of vegetables you should incorporate in its daily diet. Feed your rabbit cautiously, though, or it may gain weight and suffer the health consequences of obesity.

Things You'll Need

  • Bathroom scale
  • Box
  • Vegetables
  • Knife
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    • 1

      Set a bathroom scale into the bottom of a box that barely fits it. Set your rabbit into the box. Place your hand on its back to keep it still long enough to gauge its weight.

    • 2

      Select at least three vegetables to use in one meal such as eggplant, okra leaves and radish tops. The Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue has a long list of healthy vegetables your rabbit will enjoy (see resource below). Chop the vegetables into fine pieces and mix them thoroughly.

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      Portion out 1/3 cup of chopped vegetables for every pound your rabbit weighs. Introduce your vegetables to your rabbit's morning meal with its pellets.

    • 4

      Monitor your rabbit's dung for any changes in consistency. If you notice the rabbit leavings are becoming mushy and not retaining a small round shape, visit your doctor for advice on how to improve its diet.