How to Feed a Quail

Quail is a term used to describe any of several small game birds. These stout birds typically feed on insects and weed seeds. In the wild, quails forage for food entirely on the ground. While they may look like slow-moving birds, their sturdy quick legs make them quite nimble. Quails use their strong toes to uncover fallen seeds and scrape up roots. They may also attempt to seize low-hanging flowers, fruits and leaves.

Things You'll Need

  • Feeders
  • Game bird feed
  • Water container
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      Supply the quails with several feeders. Purchase feeders of various heights to sustain the birds as they grow. The trough of the feeder should be level with the breast of the bird.

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      Purchase quality commercial-brand game bird feed. Choose a game bird feed that contains a 24 percent or more protein content for growing quails. Adult quails can thrive off feed that contains 18 to 20 percent protein.

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      Put fresh feed out each day. Some types of quail, such as the bobwhite quail, will not eat feed that is stale. Space out the feeders to prevent the quail from pecking one another for food. Provide a minimum of a 2 square feet per adult bird.

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      Provide the quail with fresh clean water at all times. Remove the water containers from the quail pen at least once per week to sanitize. Keep the water containers several feet away from the food feeders. Quail will typically not eat food that has become wet or moldy.

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      Keep birds of similar size groups together during feedings. This will help to prevent pecking of one another and cannibalistic behaviors. Remove any quail that become a threat to others to reduce the risk of injury or death.

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      Supplement the quail's diet with vegetables and grains. Popular choices include cabbage, cucumbers, sprouts, alphalfa, tomatoes, turnips, oats and barley. Quails also enjoy the occasional meal worms and wax worms.