How to Care for Black Swedish Ducks

Originating in Pomerania in the 1800s, black Swedish ducks are found in many parts of the world. These ducks are one of the hardier breeds of duck and are relatively low maintenance. Black Swedish ducks are characterized by their all-black bodies and white chests. Many people have speculated that Daffy Duck was modeled after a black Swedish duck. The initial set up and caring for black Swedish ducks takes time and effort, however once everything is in order, little must be done to keep your black Swedish ducks healthy and happy.

Things You'll Need

  • Shed or barn
  • Dry straw
  • 2 duck pens
  • Water
  • Duck feed
  • Troughs
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  1. Housing, Nesting and Feed

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      Set up proper areas for your ducks. Black Swedish ducks do not require specialized housing; housing ducks in a simple shed or barn is adequate. Place an artificial light in the shed or barn and ensure that each duck has five to six square feet of flooring. The floor of the barn or shed can be dirt, concrete or wood.

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      Provide nesting straw. Dry straw is enough for ducks to properly nest. One nest per four ducks is an ideal ratio and gives each duck enough room. Ensure that the straw is always dry and clean. Replace the straw as needed.

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      Set up two outside duck pens. One duck pen is for the entire flock. The other duck pen is used to place nesting and incubating female ducks. Once the ducklings are hatched, the second pen is used to keep them away from the older flock.

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      Leave out plenty of feed and water. Set up areas for your ducks to eat. Separate troughs that are low to the ground are ideal for placing food and water. Food troughs are not needed inside the housing barn or shed. Keep food outside during the day and remove the food each night. Provide fresh food and water every day. Ideally, duck areas need green grasses so the ducks can graze. Provide green grasses if your duck area is low on green grasses. Most feed stores carry duck feed. Cracked grains and corn are also ideal duck feed. Use chicken feed if you do not have access to duck feed.

    Breeding and Ducklings

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      Allow your ducks to breed naturally. Once a female black Swedish duck is nesting and sitting on her eggs, remove her from the flock. Allow your female black Swedish duck to nest and incubate her eggs alone. Incubation takes 28 days.

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      Keep the mother duck and ducklings separate from the adult flock. Provide duck feed or chicken starter feed and plenty of water to the ducklings. Keep the ducklings sheltered in an area that does not have standing water. Keep a 250-watt infrared light in the duckling housing area. One light is needed per 30 ducklings.

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      Remove the mother duck from her ducklings. After three weeks, the mother duck must go back to the adult flock. Keep the ducklings separate from the adult flock until they begin growing their feathers at six weeks old.