How to Feed Holstein Steers

Holstein steers typically are bred to produce milk or beef for human consumption. Unlike the standard beef cattle, Holsteins tend to be leaner, producing a better cut of meat. Many farmers initially will use Holstein steers for milk production and when they wish to stop milking, they can double their profits by processing the cows for beef. Holstein steers are relatively inexpensive to feed, making them one of the top bred cattle in the United States.

Things You'll Need

  • Colostrum
  • Milk replacer
  • Starter feed
  • Grower ration
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      Feed newborn Holstein steers 2 quarts of colostrum after birth and another quart a couple of hours later. The calves should be fed every 12 hours, using a bucket or a bottle. After the fifth feeding, start giving the calves milk replacer instead of the colostrum.

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      Wean calves off the milk replacer over a period of four to five days. When the calf is able to consume 1.5 pounds to 2 pounds of starter feed daily, stop giving the calf milk replacer.

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      Feed 5- to 7-week old calves a starter feed that consists of 15 percent to 20 percent crude protein. Feed the calves a complete starter feed that contains forages and concentrate.

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      Provide a constant level of starter feed of about two to three pounds of feed per day until calves reach 350 pounds, about 16 to 18 weeks of age.

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      Feed fully grown Holstein steers a grower ration. This type of food has higher levels of forage and will keep the cows at a constant weight.