How to Feed Chickens Bananas

Chickens 18 weeks old and older enjoy healthy treats as an addition to their regular protein-rich diets. Fresh bananas are ideal treats, as they supplement their diets with potassium, and many chickens enjoy the fruit. Though chickens may accept overripe, mushy bananas, never offer them spoiled or moldy food of any kind.


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      Feed your chickens a commercial chicken feed or a homemade mix of 65-percent grains, 10 percent alfalfa meal or hay, 16 to 20 percent sunflower seeds, peas or cooked soybeans, 7 percent hydrated lime to strengthen shells and 1 percent trace mineral salt, along with all the water they can drink.

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      Wash, peel and slice a banana into bite-sized pieces, one piece for each chicken.

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      Add the bananas to your chicken feed or offer them to your chickens as a treat between meals.