How to Raise Ducklings By Feeding Them Worms

Ducklings need a balanced diet to grow and develop. Worms can be used as a source of protein, but ducklings need many other things, such as calcium, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Ducklings will grow best if they receive commercial duck food in addition to the worms.

Things You'll Need

  • Duck feeders
  • Dry feed
  • Watering Cans
  • Worms
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      Set up feeders for dry duck food. Keep these feeders constantly filled with food, so the ducklings can eat any time they want. Adding worms will reduce the amount of dry feed the ducklings consume.

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      Install watering cans the ducklings cannot get into. Since ducks are known for their love of water, it is important to make sure they stay out of their drinking water, so it stays clean. No matter what they are eating, water is an essential part of the ducks' diet.

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      Feed the ducklings worms daily. If you are raising your own worms and have assorted sizes, choose the smallest worms for young ducklings, and feed them bigger worms as they grow. If you don't have access to small worms, chop larger worms into pieces.

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      Watch the ducklings to make sure they consume all of the worms before the worms have a chance to leave. If the ducklings don't eat everything, feed them a bit less the next time. It may take a few times for them to get used to eating worms.