How to Raise Grass-Fed Dairy Cows

"American Grassfed" is a certified logo issued by the American Grassfed Association. The logo denotes products were produced from animals that were fed a strictly forage diet, raised on pasture and were never treated with hormones or antibiotics. Grassfed-certified products sell for a higher price, thus bringing in a larger return to the farmer, according to researcher Jo Robinson at Eat Wild online. Nonetheless, producers should take into account the cost and management necessary to maintain a grass-fed dairy herd.

Things You'll Need

  • Dairy cows
  • Pasture
  • Tractor
  • Hay baler
  • Alfalfa
  • Fence
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  1. Raising Grass-Fed Dairy Cows

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      Purchase dairy cows, heifers or calves that are 100 percent grass-fed.

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      Count each dairy cow and heifer and multiply by two to find the number of acres you will need for your pasture.

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      Plant forages that will grow well in your climate, soil type and are nutritious for dairy cows.

      Research forage options specific for dairy cattle by checking with your local agricultural extension office. Choose plants that will grow well in your pasture's soil type and produce high growth in your climate.

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      Plant alfalfa or another high-energy forage for winter feed. Grass-fed farms in seasonal growing areas need to grow and bale hay for winter forage or purchase enough hay to feed cattle during the winter.

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      Alternate pastures to ensure proper grazing and utitlize grass at the healthiest age.

      Build several smaller pastures to help moderate the amount of food the cattle consume. Grass quality varies with the seasons and can be overgrazed or lose its nutritional value if too old.