How to Feed Cattle Hay Bales

Hay is a type of grass, legumes or other dried foliage that has been dried out, cut down and bundled to be fed to animals. Livestock such as horses, goats, sheep and cattle can be fed hay as a filler substance throughout the course of the day. Hay can be fed to cattle in several different ways.


    • 1

      Cut the twine off the hay. Make sure you remove all of it so that it is not consumed by the cattle.

    • 2

      Place hay in the stall or corral in which you keep the cattle when they sleep. Place one segment of hay per head of cattle every morning and every night.

    • 3

      Place full bales of hay in the pasture where the cattle graze during the day.

    • 4

      Stuff a segment of hay into the cattle's feeding trough if you have one.