Things You'll Need
- Hay timothy
- Rabbit pellets
- Fresh foods
- 1 dish
- Fruit
- Rabbit water bottle
Provide Timothy hay at all times for the rabbit, and ensure that the supply never is empty. Place it in the center of the cage to ensure that it does not get used for litter.
Fill up the small container every day with rabbit pellets. These provide a variety of nutrients in condensed form.
Provide a variety of fresh foods every day for the rabbit. These can include spinach, Swiss chard, collard greens and pea pods.
Give treats to the mother doe rabbit, however, these should not be overly sweet or processed as it can hurt her intestinal system. The ratio for feeding these foods is 1 tbsp. per 4 pounds of the mother's body weight.
Continuously fill the rabbit's water bottle every day with fresh water after rinsing it to avoid bacterial contamination.