How to Reduce Dust in Feedlot Rations

Reducing dust in feedlot rations can increase profits through less livestock sickness, better feed utilization and less feed waste. Dust causes animal respiratory and digestive problems, employee skin irritation and respiratory reactions. Adding molasses to the feed ration is an efficient method of controlling dust. Molasses binds dust fines to the bigger feed particles, preventing them from becoming air-borne. In addition molasses increases palatability and adds nutrient value to the ration.

Things You'll Need

  • Flat top or hanging scale
  • 2 buckets
  • 2 storage tanks
  • Transfer pump
  • Metering device
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    • 1

      Weigh small amounts of the feed ration and cane molasses mixed with an equal volume of water in separate buckets using either a flat top or hanging scale. Add the molasses-water mixture to the feed until it reaches the desired consistency. Weigh the remaining molasses-water and calculate the amount added to the ration. Record the number so that it can be used to calculate the amounts needed in large batches of the feed ration.

    • 2

      Install a molasses storage tank large enough to hold the required inventory with a transfer pump for moving molasses into the feed mixer.

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      Install a water tank of equal volume and add a metering device for mixing water with the molasses.