What Minerals & Vitamins Can I Buy to Make My Own Feed for Deer?

The types of minerals and vitamins deer need most depends on the time of year. Spring and summer are when deer need calcium and phosphate, since this is the period of bone and antler growth. During autumn, deer need more fats and carbohydrates in their diet. Winter is when bucks most need vitamin and mineral supplements to heal their bodies and survive the harsh, cold months.
  1. Vitamins

    • Vitamin A contains retinoid, which is good for deers' immune systems and cellular functions. It keeps their eyes and skin healthy, as well as helping their digestive and reproductive systems to properly function. Vitamin D is used by a deer's body to promote bone growth. It helps the bones absorb calcium and phosphorus and is essential for helping bucks grow large antler racks. Vitamin E boosts deers' immune systems and helps them live through harsh winters, droughts and post-rutting stress. Low levels of Vitamin E can weaken a deer's ability to fight off infectious diseases.

    Calcium and Phosphorus

    • Minerals are needed in larger amounts than vitamins in a deer's diet. Two of the most important minerals to give your deer are calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is absorbed through a deer's small intestines, where it moves into the bloodstream to combine with phosphorus and is then absorbed by bones and teeth. A good supply of calcium will give a buck strong antlers. Phosphorus is also used by a deer's body to regulate the release of energy in the cells. Most of the phosphorus is located in a deer's bones. Give male deer a good steady supply of phosphorus to ensure large antler rack growth and prevent its body from taking phosphorus out of its bones to provide cellular energy

    Other Minerals

    • Magnesium is used by a deer's body to absorb calcium into its bones. It also helps convert food into energy and helps a deer's nerves and muscles work properly. Potassium maintains the correct pH balance in its body, aids digestion and works with sodium chloride to form electrolytes in the bloodstream. Sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt, helps cells absorb amino acids, which is why deer crave sodium chloride. Sulfur is another mineral that helps digestion. It is absorbed into the deer's tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Deer only need the trace minerals cobalt, copper, iron, iodine, manganese, selenium and zinc in small amounts.

    Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

    • If you decide to purchase pre-mixed supplements for your deer, look for 50 lb. bags of mixed vitamins and minerals that consist of 11 percent calcium, three percent phosphorus, 13.5 percent magnesium, 17 percent salt, zinc and Vitamins A, D and E. Another mineral to look for in a 50 lb. bag is calcium carbonate, which deer can use during the spring and summer antler growing and fawning periods.