How to Feed Hay to Meat Rabbits

Rabbit meat is mild, tasting much like chicken and other poultry, and is also low in fat and cholesterol. Because they are kept in confinement, rabbits require far less room than chickens to raise and are less susceptible to predators. While the mainstay of a meat rabbit's diet is commercially produced rabbit pellets, hay should also be supplied to help with digestion.

Things You'll Need

  • Timothy hay
  • Alfalfa hay
  • Grass hay
  • Hay rack or box
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      Feed your meat rabbits timothy, grass or alfalfa hay to provide fiber and as a supplement to commercial rabbit pellets, which contain all the nutrients necessary for the rabbits' diet. Supplementing pellet food with hay will help the rabbits' digestion and promote health.

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      Place hay in a hay rack or box container, not directly on the floor of the rabbit hutch. Hay should be kept off the floor to keep it clean from droppings and urine.

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      Keep hay dry. Wet hay can develop mold leading to disease, diarrhea and even death to the rabbits.

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      Limit the amount of alfalfa hay you feed your rabbits. Alfalfa is higher in calories than grass hay and can lead to obesity. Overweight does may have difficulty breeding.

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      Monitor your rabbit's weight regularly. Stroke the rabbit's backbone once a week. If its spine bones feel sharp and pointed, increase the feed. If the spinal column feels well-rounded, you are feeding the rabbit enough. If you cannot feel the spine bones at all, decrease the rabbit's food and switch from alfalfa to grass hay.