How to Feed Sheep Sunflower Seeds

According to North Dakota State University, sunflower seed meal minus the husks is an excellent way to add protein to ruminant animals, specifically cattle and sheep. The sunflower meal is a byproduct made in sunflower oil production. Different sizes of sheep will have different supplemental needs. However, there is a rough guide that you can use to determine how much sunflower meal a sheep should have. Sheep should never eat the sunflower seed husks as they give the sheep unnecessary product to digest, which can lower the energy level of the sheep and the effectiveness of the supplement.

Things You'll Need

  • Sunflower seed meal
  • Scale
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      Determine if a protein supplement is necessary for your sheep. In general, if a ewe is not pregnant, she will not need additional protein supplements. Protein supplements are beneficial to rams and feeder lambs. Sunflower meal supplements are often required if the sheep's regular diet is nonalfalfa hay and corn grains.

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      Calculate the amount of supplement that each sheep should have. The weight of the sheep will usually determine how much supplement to provide. An average sheep that weighs around 150 pounds should have about 1/4 lb. of sunflower supplement each day. For every 25 additional pounds of sheep, add a little more meal. Do not exceed 1/2 lb. of meal per day. Rams generally do not ever need more than 1/4 lb. of sunflower meal.

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      Mix the sunflower meal with the sheep's regular grain mixture. This will ensure that the sheep eats the supplement and is not thrown off by the unusual flavor. Once sheep are no longer pregnant or lactating, reduce the amount of sunflower meal that you give to the sheep until they no longer eat any supplement. Offer the supplement again once gestation begins.