Things You'll Need
- Household bleach
- Calf bottle with nipple
- Milk replacer
- Calf starter
- Hay or grass pasture
Sanitize the nursing bottle and nipple. Fill the calf bottle with very hot water and about a tablespoon of household bleach. Let the bottle sit for a few minutes, then dump out the liquid over the nipple that you are going to use as well as your hands. Don't rinse the bottle out. There will now be no leftover scours-causing bacteria. Scours is diarrhea in calves.
Add the amount of milk replacer according to the instructions to the calf bottle and add hot water. If you do not use hot water the powder will not mix well. Obtain colostrum for a first-time feeding of a newborn calf. Holstein calves should be fed 3 qts. of good quality colostrum within an hour of birth and again within 12 hours or the next regular feeding.
Feed the calf between two and three times a day. If you have more time, it's optimal to feed smaller amounts every few hours. Calves should be fed two full bottles a day and have 24-hour access to fresh water and grass or hay to graze on. Young calves seem to ingest only one mouthful a day, but as the calves grow, their intake of grass or hay will increase. This will also make weaning easier.
Begin weaning the calf between 4 and 8 weeks of age. Provide a high -quality calf starter feed at free choice in a small bucket. Do not stop feeding milk until the calf is eating 2 lbs. of calf starter a day for three days straight.
Begin to wean the calf off of the calf starter when the calf is eating 4 to 5 lbs. of calf starter a day. Start feeding hay or a calf grower feed.