What Is a Typical Hog's Home & Diet?

According to the Hog Trapping &Hunting website, the many species of hogs throughout the world share a common habitat and similar diet. Wild hogs generally prefer the cool of dusk and night to move around.
  1. Habitat

    • The National Science Research Laboratory says that wild or feral hogs were introduced to the United States as the European hog, and the traits of the European hog remain dominant. Wild hogs prefer to live in wooded areas with abundant foliage and soil invertebrates, such as earthworms.


    • According to the NSRL, the diet of the hog is seasonal, depending on the type of food that is available at different times. The hog's diet consists of fruits, roots, mushrooms and small animals such as earthworms, marsh fly larvae and leopard frogs.


    • The NSRL says wild hogs commonly eat herbage such as onion, pennywort and frog fruit. Hogs also live close to coastal areas where they can find wild grapes for nourishment.