How to Raise Deer in Texas

Deer breeding is an industry that is fast gaining ground. The whitetail and the mule deer are prized animals for game in Texas. Most of North America also favors these two breeds during the hunting season. Texas has a number of ranch owners who have found this to be a profitable business. In fact, it contributed significantly to the Texas economy in 2009 bringing in almost $650 million. Breeders who are interested in strengthening their own farms buy these deer. Those in the hunting industry also buy them.

Things You'll Need

  • Deer breeding license
  • Does or bred does
  • Bucks
  • Pens
  • Watering systems
  • Food
  • Feeding bottles
  • Customized vehicles for transportation
  • Advertising means--flyers, pamphlets, ads in local papers
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    • 1

      Apply for the permits and licenses to raise and breed deer in Texas. Get all the information and forms you need from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Address your enquiries to the "Deer Breeder Program." You may also need to make inquiries about a Trap, Transport &Transplant Permit Program.

    • 2

      Prepare a budget for your deer breeding farm. This budget will depend on whether you want to take this task up as a full-time effort or something on the side. Investments will include the pens, deer feed, watering systems, transportation and the deer to begin your farm. Bearing in mind that Texas is a popular breeding ground for deer, you might want to opt for a budget that allows you to raise deer in Texas full time.

    • 3

      Decide on the method of breeding you want to start with. It is a matter of how fast you want your business to take off rather than the fact that you are raising deer in Texas. Does and bred does are the fastest way to begin your farm. Bred does bring along their fawn. This increases numbers and makes breeding targets for the next year easier to achieve. You can also buy fawns and bottle-feed them until they are old enough for you to wean. They are naturally much calmer, but you cannot breed them within the next applicable season.

    • 4

      Plan your marketing strategy. Link with relevant associations so that you are constantly aware of requirements in the market. Associating with the Texas Deer Association will open up several opportunities for you. Advertise in relevant print and online publications. The association is a good place to get the right kind of contracts. Give out flyers during the deer hunting season and make yourself noticed in general.