How to Hand Raise Baby Turkeys

New born baby turkeys, or poults, are helpless creatures that are completely dependent on a caretaker for their every need. Raising baby turkeys basically makes you a 'turkey mommy', and caring for these delicate creatures is a full time job, albeit with rewards. There is not a lot of expensive equipment required for this job--all that is required is your time, a really large box and a few more basics that can be purchased at your local farming supply store.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towel
  • Large plastic tub
  • Straw
  • Heat lamp
  • Thermometer
  • Food dish
  • Water dish
  • Water
  • Marbles
  • Chick grit
  • Chicken wire
  • Greenery
  • Coop
  • Barn
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      Place a layer of paper towel onto the bottom of a large plastic tub.

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      Pour a layer of straw over the paper towel. This will act as bedding for the poults.

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      Place a heat lamp over the plastic tub. These can be purchased at most farming supply stores or your local pet store.

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      Hang a thermometer from the inside of the plastic tub. The temperature of the box should be maintained at around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, or else the poults could perish. Pay attention for the sounds of peeping from the poults. This means they are cold and the temperature of the box should be adjusted accordingly.

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      Place a food and water dish into the plastic box. To ensure that the poults find the water, place a few marbles in their water bowl. The marbles will reflect off of the water and make it easier to find. You can also scatter feed, or chick grit, over the bottom of the plastic box to ensure that all the poults have a chance to eat.

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      Cover the top of the plastic box with a piece of chicken wire. The poults will have the ability to jump out of a shallow box by the time they are 10 days old.

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      Keep the poults away from any potential predators, such as weasels in a barn or your house cat.

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      Introduce greenery such as grass, clover or kale at 10 days.

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      Place the poults into a coop or barn at 6 weeks old. This is also when waterfowl grower can be introduced into their diet.