How to Feed Chickens Cracked Corn

Chickens like cracked corn, and if left to their own devices, would consume cracked corn to the exclusion of everything else. Cracked corn is low in protein and is not nutritionally suitable to be the sole source of feed for your chickens. When given in moderation, cracked corn is a good source of energy for your chickens during cold weather. Cracked corn makes a good scratch food̵2;a grain that your chickens can scratch on the ground to find.


    • 1

      Determine the total amount of feed you give your chickens on a daily basis. Calculate 10 to 15 percent of that amount by multiplying the total amount by .1 and by .15. Select an amount within this range to be the maximum amount of cracked corn to feed your chickens on a daily basis.

    • 2

      Add some of the cracked corn ration calculated in Step 1 to a feeder that is accessible by your chickens.

    • 3

      Cast the rest of the cracked corn on the ground where the chickens congregate.

    • 4

      Observe the chickens eating the cracked corn. The amount of cracked corn given should be consumed by the chickens in about 20 minutes. Reduce the amount of the cracked corn ration on subsequent days if the cracked corn is not all consumed in 20 minutes.