How to Make Pigs Gain Weight

Getting a pig to gain weight for its eventual journey to the market is an important task for any animal keeper. It should take approximately five months to get your pig fattened, and during that time it's important to be patient. Pigs are omnivores, and thus will consume pretty much anything, but there are some key diets that will efficiently build your pig's weight.

Things You'll Need

  • High protein dog food
  • Sweet feed
  • Hay
  • Cracked wheat
  • Pig finisher
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      Feed your pig at least two times a day for maximum weight gain. For optimum results, feed the pig more than it can consume in an average sitting so it will have more to munch on later. Remember to provide plenty of fresh water for your pig.

      Start out your pig's diet with high protein dog food. This is the best way to build a pig's fundamental health and stamina. High protein dog food can be purchased in bulk from farm stores and pet stores.

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      Try soaking a 50-pound sack of cracked corn in a 55-gallon barrel of water. By soaking the corn, you're preparing it for easy digestion by the pig so it can process the food faster and put on the pounds quicker. When the pig expends less energy to process food, it has a better weight-to-nutrition ratio.

      Save waste from your kitchen, or gather waste from a restaurant. Pigs will usually eat anything, including meat, bones and fish heads. Table scraps will round out a pig's diet, while also providing a high amount of fat and nutrients.

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      Feed your pig hay and weeds from your garden. This snack is a great way to provide necessary nutrients that your pig won't otherwise get from processed food. The next time you're doing garden or field work, be sure to save your weeds and bring them back to the pig for consumption.

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      Feed your pig a coffee-can sized portion of sweet feed, which has a rich supply of molasses, when you're getting close to the butcher's table. This will give the meat a nice flavor.

      One of the last steps of pig weight gain is to feed pig finisher. Start doing this a month before your slaughter date. Pig finisher ensures maximum weight gain. Feed according to directions on your purchased feed stack.