Can You Feed Black Sunflower Seed to Rabbits?

Rabbit owners have a plethora of choices when selecting the right foods to keep their rabbits healthy. Unsalted black sunflower seeds are an excellent source of protein and nutrition to feed a rabbit. They may be used as a supplement to a commercial feed, or as part of an owner-mixed nutrition regimen. Sunflower seeds have similar health benefits for rabbits and humans alike. Plus, they make tasty snacks for both!
  1. Features

    • Because of the high protein levels and healthy fat content in black sunflower seeds, they satisfy hunger and benefit health.


    • Black sunflower seeds are high in Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, folate, selenium, magnesium and Omega 3s and 6s, all of which are essential to a healthy rabbit's diet.


    • When selecting sunflower seeds, especially if buying in bulk, smell them for freshness, buy only intact shells and discard yellow-tinged seeds that have gone rancid.


    • Rabbits eating black sunflower seeds on a regular basis will have shinier coats and a reduction in arthritis pain (for older rabbits).


    • Rabbits can gain too much weight from eating more than 1 tsp. per serving twice a week.