How to Mix Broiler Chicken Feed

Mixing your own broiler feed for chickens can be a cheap and easy alternative to the pricey feed store mixes. The following is a simple recipe for 500 pounds of chicken broiler mix. Feed this ration as you would any premixed feed. If you double the amount of corn in the broiler mix you can convert this into a great chick starter too.

Things You'll Need

  • 250 pounds cracked corn
  • 150 pounds ground roasted soybeans
  • 25 pounds rolled oats
  • 25 pounds alfalfa meal
  • 25 pounds fish or bone meal
  • 10lbs aragonite (calcium powder)
  • 15 pounds poultry nutri-balancer
  • Large container big enough to hold 500 pounds dry mix
  • Small shovel for mixing
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      You should measure all your ingredients ahead of time. Measure out the amount needed of each grain and set aside. Get your container ready. It's not necessary but it is a good idea if your container or tub has a lid to protect from mice.

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      Start by pouring your corn and soybeans into your tub. With your hands mix them together well. There should be close to a 50/50 mix when you scoop a handful out.

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      Next, mix your oats, alfalfa, and fish meal into your base mix. This is where you might need your small shovel to reach the bottom of the container.

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      Finally mix in your aragonite and poultry nutri-balancer. Continue to mix until all ingredients are mixed evenly throughout.

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      Feed this mix in place of your regular chicken feed. Feed at the rate of 3 pounds for every five birds per day.