How to Put Weight on a Pig

Fattening up a pig for slaughter should take approximately 5 months, from starting the pig to finishing and dressing out the porker. There are many ways in which the maximum amount of weight may be put on a pig in the shortest amount of time. The younger the pig is at slaughtering time, the more tender the meat will taste. Choose a fast-growing breed that is known for a good feed-to-meat conversion ratio.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog food Cracked corn Pig finisher Sweet feed Hay
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      Feed the pig high-protein dog food. Pigs are omnivores, meaning that they eat both meat and vegetables. They will consume anything, including bones, fish heads and table scraps. Feed your pig two times or more daily for maximum weight gain. Remember to provide fresh water for your pig, as it requires water for optimum growth.

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      Soak a 50-lb. feed sack full of cracked corn in a 55-gallon barrel of fresh water for 2 days before feeding the soaked corn to your pig. Preparing the corn before feeding it to the pig ensures maximum nutritional capabilities and a good feed/meat ratio.

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      Save restaurant waste, as it's an excellent method of adding weight to your pig. The plate scrapings and leftovers provide a well-rounded source of protein, carbohydrates and necessary enzymes; fiber and dairy products make up the tasty treat loved by all swine.

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      Freely feed the pig hay and garden weeds-- this favorite snack will provide necessary nutrients that may be missing from the animal's diet. The next time you weed the garden or thin out rows of vegetables in the vegetable patch, throw what you pull up into the pig pen as a snack for your pig.

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      Feed sweet feed, with its rich supply of molasses, to your pig to "sweeten the meat." A coffee can full of sweet feed every day should be sufficient to ensure your porker is a succulent pig roast at slaughtering time, which is at about 5 months of age.

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      Feed pig finisher about a month before slaughtering time to ensure your pig's maximum growth. Feed according to the directions on the feed sack.