Does a Black rhino need specific type of food?

Black rhinoceros are strict herbivores, meaning that they only eat plants.

Their diet consists primarily of leaves, twigs, and shoots from a wide variety of plant species, including:

- Acacia

- Grewia

- Commiphora

- Terminalia

- Ziziphus

- Capparis

- Carissa

Black rhinoceros use their prehensile upper lips to grasp leaves and twigs, which they then pull into their mouths. They then chew the plant material using their large, flat molars.

The black rhino is a selective browser and feeds on certain plant species based on their nutritional value, availability, and palatability. The rhino's diet varies depending on the season and the availability of different plant species.

Black rhinos also need access to water and will drink regularly throughout the day. Water is essential for maintaining body temperature and hydration.