What does the Moose Eat?

Moose Diet

Moose are herbivores and their diets consist mainly of:

- Aquatic Plants: Moose dive or wade into bodies of water to eat underwater vegetation. Pondweed, water lilies, and water chestnut are their preferred choices.

- Ground Ferns and Mosses: On the ground, moose graze on ferns and mosses, primarily in the early part of the year.

- Leaves: Moose primarily consume the leaves of different tree species. Species such as red maple, white birch, aspen, and willow are particularly sought after.

- Bark: During winter, the availability of leaves and other primary food sources becomes scarce. This leads moose to feed on the inner bark of certain tree species, especially balsam fir and red maple.

- Shrubs and Twigs: Moose browse on a wide variety of shrubs, especially during winter. They eat the twigs and buds of species like willow, red-osier dogwood, mountain maple, and chokecherry.

- Aquatic Insects: In early summer, when moose feed along water bodies, they occasionally eat aquatic insects and snails as a supplement to their plant-based diet.