What animals eat soaptree yuca?

Mule Deer: Mule deer are known for consuming soaptree yucca. They feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits.

White-tailed Deer: White-tailed deer also feed on soaptree yucca, including the leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Round-tailed Ground Squirrels: These small rodents consume the seeds of soaptree yucca.

Black Bears: Black bears occasionally feed on soaptree yucca, consuming leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Desert Cottontails: Desert cottontails are known to eat the leaves and stems of soaptree yucca.

Other Vertebrates: Birds like quail and doves may consume the fruits. Lizards and other small reptiles may feed on flowers.

Invertebrates: Insects like grasshoppers and beetles feed on various plant parts, including leaves and flowers.

It is worth noting that the consumption of soaptree yucca can have varying effects on different animals, and some may only eat certain parts of the plant.