What animals feed on the Joshua tree?


- Desert Bighorn Sheep: Joshua trees provide a valuable source of food for bighorn sheep, especially during the winter when other food sources are scarce. They browse on the leaves, twigs, and even the bark of the Joshua tree.

- Mule Deer: Mule deer also consume Joshua trees, particularly the new growth and the fruits.

- Jackrabbits: Jackrabbits are known to feed on the bark and leaves of Joshua trees, especially when other food sources are limited.

- Kangaroo Rats: Kangaroo rats are small rodents that feed on the seeds of Joshua trees.


- Joshua Tree Borer: This moth species' larvae bore into the trunks and branches of Joshua trees, feeding on the plant's tissues and causing damage that can weaken the tree.

- Bark Beetles: Bark beetles are another type of insect that can infest and feed on Joshua trees, causing damage to the bark and potentially killing the tree.


- Mourning Doves: Mourning doves feed on the seeds and fruits of Joshua trees.

- Woodpeckers: Woodpeckers use Joshua trees for nesting and feeding, and they may occasionally consume the seeds or insects found on the tree.

It is important to note that the impact of these animals on Joshua trees varies based on the population sizes of both the animals and the Joshua trees, as well as the availability of other food sources. Additionally, Joshua trees have evolved certain defense mechanisms, such as sharp spines and bitter-tasting compounds, to deter herbivores from feeding on them.