What is a list of animals that do not eat plants?

Animals That Do Not Eat Plants

* Carnivores: Animals that only eat meat. Examples include lions, tigers, bears, wolves, and sharks.

* Insectivores: Animals that primarily eat insects. Examples include anteaters, armadillos, bats, and hedgehogs.

* Piscivores: Animals that primarily eat fish. Examples include dolphins, seals, sea lions, and ospreys.

* Reptiles: Most reptiles are carnivores or insectivores, with a few exceptions like the iguana, which is herbivorous.

* Birds of Prey: Birds such as hawks, eagles, and falcons are carnivores, while others like hummingbirds and finches are herbivores.

* niektórych owadów: Many insects are carnivorous, such as praying mantises, ladybugs, and dragonflies.

* Niektóre pajęczaki: Spiders and scorpions are carnivores.