What scriptures in the Bible tell of goats butting against God?

There are no scriptures in the Bible that tell of goats butting against God. This imagery is not found in any biblical text.

The Bible does use the imagery of goats in several ways, such as:

* Separation of the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-46): This parable describes the judgment of the nations, with the "sheep" representing those who are righteous and the "goats" representing those who are wicked. However, this imagery does not involve goats physically challenging God.

* Sacrificial animals: Goats were sometimes offered as sacrifices in the Old Testament (Leviticus 4:23-28).

* Symbol of foolishness: Proverbs 21:19 states, "It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife." This proverb uses the imagery of a "goat" to represent a stubborn and foolish woman.

While goats are mentioned in the Bible, there is no instance of them being described as butting against God. This idea likely stems from a misunderstanding of biblical imagery or from a separate cultural tradition.