Physical Changes:
* Udder Development: The udder will become noticeably larger and firm. You might see milk leaking from the teats (this is called "caking").
* Vulva Swelling: The vulva will swell and become looser.
* Relaxed Pelvis: The ligaments in the pelvis will relax, allowing for easier passage of the baby. You might notice a slight dip in the area behind the goat's hind legs.
* Weight Loss: The goat might lose some weight in the final days leading up to labor.
* Nesting Behavior: The goat might start searching for a safe and quiet place to give birth. She might paw at bedding or straw, creating a nest.
* Restlessness: The goat may become restless and pace around the pen. She might also be less interested in eating.
Other Signs:
* Increased Breathing: The goat might breathe faster and more heavily.
* Discharge: You might see a clear or slightly pink discharge from the vulva.
* Loss of Appetite: In the hours leading up to labor, the goat may lose her appetite.
Important Notes:
* Gestation Period: The gestation period for pygmy goats is typically 145-155 days.
* Individual Variation: Every goat is different, and some may show signs of labor sooner or later than others.
* Call Your Vet: If you see any unusual changes in your goat's behavior, especially if she seems to be in distress, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Be Prepared:
* Have a clean and safe birthing area set up with plenty of bedding.
* Keep a close eye on your goat in the final days leading up to her due date.
* Have a veterinarian's number handy in case of emergency.
Good luck with the birth! 🐐