How soon after goat gives birth can you start milking her?

You should wait until the kid(s) are at least 24 hours old before starting to milk a goat after she gives birth.

Here's why:

* Colostrum is crucial: The first milk a goat produces, called colostrum, is extremely important for the kid's immune system. It contains antibodies that protect them from diseases.

* Bonding time: Allowing the mother and kid to bond for at least a day helps ensure the kid gets the necessary colostrum and allows them to establish a strong bond.

* Mother's recovery: Giving the mother a day to rest and recover after birth is beneficial for her overall health.

After the 24-hour period:

* Start slowly: Milk the goat for a short period and gradually increase the amount you milk over time.

* Observe the kids: Make sure they are still getting enough milk. If they seem hungry or are not growing well, you may need to reduce the amount you milk.

Remember: Each goat is different, and some may be ready to be milked sooner than others. Always observe your goat and her kids closely and adjust your milking schedule accordingly.