How to Know if Your Pet Goat Likes You

Goats make a fun addition to any small farm. They become more than livestock, thanks to their irresistible charm and personality; they become pets if not family members. They're easy to grow fond of. You may wonder sometimes, though, if yours are fond of you. Look for telltales, and work to foster the relationship along.
  1. Vocalization

    • A pet goat who likes you will respond to your voice. She will generally come running; but even if she can̵7;t reach you ,your goat will call out to you when she hears you. A friendly goat will have a happy and energetic sound to her cry, not a fearful one, and she will usually respond to you every single time you call out. She may also react to the sound of your footsteps even before she can see you. Folks who tend to whistle, hum or sing report that a friendly pet goat responds to those sounds as well.


    • Don̵7;t be surprised if your pet goat loves to follow you around like a puppy. Many goats become very attached to their humans; if your goat likes you, she may try to go everywhere you go. This isn̵7;t always the best idea, since cars, neighbors̵7; dogs and predatory animals can hurt goats. Play with your goat in a safe area, but leave her behind if you are exiting the security of a fenced yard or pen.


    • Never do anything to make your goat afraid of you. Goats tend to be friendly and affectionate creatures, but they don̵7;t always start out that way. Give your goat some reasons to like you. Number one in her eyes is food. Carry a few treats for your goat and offer some to her every time you see her. She may also enjoy a good brushing, especially when it̵7;s shedding time and she̵7;s feeling itchy. Yelling at a goat for any reason, chasing her or hitting her are all ways to make sure your goat is afraid of you instead of learning to like you.


    • Most goats like to be scratched or petted, but don̵7;t pet your goat on the head or face. Goats use their heads for butting; many of them will take any touching of their head and nose as a challenge. She will rear up onto her hind legs and turn her head toward you, as though lining up to give you a good whack. Most of the time that̵7;s just for show and she̵7;ll drop without butting you, but even a friendly pet goat may surprise you with a solid hit from time to time if provoked even once.