How to Care for Newborn Pygmy Goats in Freezing Weather

Pygmy goats can begin to breed as early as one year after they are born and deliver kids every nine months after that. The animals are native to West Africa but they thrive in most climates. They are often raised commercially as dairy goats but many people keep them as pets and because they are small, about the same size as a large dog, they can seem frailer than they actually are. But, all goats should have shelter. The National Pygmy Goat Association recommends a draft-free 8-by-10-foot shed "furnished with elevated sleeping and feeding places."

Things You'll Need

  • Sheets of newspaper
  • Blow dryer
  • Clean towels
  • Goat shed
  • Fresh straw or wood shavings
  • Heat lamp (optional)
  • Dental floss
  • Cup
  • Iodine
  • Baby bottle
  • Colostrum
  • Goat coat (optional)
  • Debudding iron
  • Livestock tattoo kit
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      Clear newborn kids' noses and mouths of any fluid. Dry newborn kids with single sheets of newspaper. Then warm and dry newborn kids in cold weather with a blow dryer.

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      Place newborn pygmy goats on clean towels in a shed with fresh straw or wood shavings on the floor. Install a heat lamp in the shed if you fear the temperature is endangering the kids. Newborn kids should be trying to stand within 15 minutes. If a kid cannot stand call a veterinarian.

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      Tie off bleeding umbilical cords with dental floss about 1 inch from the newborn's body. Dip the umbilical cord in a cup of iodine.

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      Bottle feed kids that do not nurse within the first hour after birth with 4-8 ounces of colostrum. Colostrum is a kind of milk produced during late pregnancy and goat breeders usually bank quantities of it. Stored colostrum should be heat treated.

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      Cover kids in obvious distress from cold with a "goat coat." A goat coat is a kind of blanket that ties or buckles to a goat.

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      Debud and tattoo newborn kids when they are five to 10 days old. Debudding with a debudding iron cauterizes horn buds before the kid can grow horns. Tattooing with a livestock tattoo kit imprints a unique proof of identification in a goat's ear and must be done if you intend to register, breed or show your newborn pygmy goat after it grows up. Newborn male goats should also be castrated at five to 10 days old.