How to Trim the Hooves of Nubian Milk Goats

Trimming your Nubian goat's hooves is a necessary task that you should do regularly. Nubians whose hooves are left neglected can develop such ailments as hoof scald or hoof rot. Prevention is the key to ensuring your Nubian remains healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Stanchion
  • Mild Detergent
  • Water
  • Hoof pick
  • Hoof clippers
  • Hoof plane
  • Antiseptic
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      Buy or build a sturdy stand called a stanchion to secure the goat while you are trimming. Stanchions elevate the goat and they have a headpiece to keep the goat from moving while you work Place food in front of the goat to distract it while you trim.

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      Overgrown hooves can cause a goat to lay around.

      Wash the hooves with a mild detergent and water if they are heavily soiled. Clean the hooves using a hoof pick, removing as much debris as possible.

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      Clip the sides of the hoof and the heel until they are flat with the sole. Trim the sole of the hoof if necessary. Stop trimming once you see pink or you will cause pain and bleeding.

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      Trim between the heel area as needed. Cut out any dirty pockets until the area is open and clean or you will risk development of hoof rot.

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      Rasp the hooves using a hoof plane to ensure they are completely level. Apply an antiseptic to any area that you cut too close and caused bleeding to prevent infection.