How to Make Money Raising Pygmy Goats

Raising animals is a tricky business, no matter how prepared and lucky you may be. As feed costs continue to soar, animals must bring more money in order to pay for themselves. Many people demand that their animals provide something beyond entertainment in exchange for the feed they are eating. For Pygmy goat producers, breaking even is difficult and making money a significant challenge due to flooded markets and perceptions of Pygmy goats as pet animals.


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      Learn to spot a quality Pygmy goat by going to shows and looking at photos of champion animals on the Internet. Choose the market (be it pet, show stock or meat) you will be directing your breeding efforts toward and select animals that provide the best qualities for that market. Carefully choose breeding stock; absolutely do not skimp on your buck.

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      Understand what your market needs by doing market research. Breed for meat markets by pairing animals that fatten quickly and possess superior muscle. Pygmys have gained a following as a meat animal because they are small and do not require a great deal of freezer space.

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      Breed for show markets by taking your animals to Pygmy shows and focusing on breeding animals who have show wins. Learn as much as you can about the genetics of your goats to achieve success much more quickly. Advertise your champion Pygmy goats' offspring to 4-H members as goat projects.

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      Breed for pet markets by selecting goats for color, quality and temperament. Strive for a balance between these three items. Pet goat owners often seek unusual colors and animals that are very friendly toward humans and other pets. Expose your (goat) kids to as many people and experiences as possible while they are young so they don't spook as easily.

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      Explore other markets in your area. Educate local farmers about a goat's ability to clean up scrubby pastures that contain plants that are dangerous to their cattle or horses. Talk to horse enthusiasts about providing their horse with a companion goat. Encourage neighbors to use goats as year-round groundskeepers instead of burning fossil fuels to trim their lawns.