The Best Natural Ways to Feed Goats

Goats are ruminants, which means that they actually have a four-compartment stomach. Goats have one stomach compartment which houses bacteria. Whatever the goat eats feeds the bacteria, which in turn breaks down the food and provides nutrition to the goat. Goats are considered "browsers" like deer. They like to eat brush, bark and trees. The bacteria in the goat's stomach is what breaks down these coarse materials for the goat. Goats are also "grazers" like cattle and sheep. They will eat grass and graze in a pasture. Since they are both browsers and grazers, finding a suitable all natural method of feeding is relatively easy.
  1. Pasture

    • The best all natural way to feed your goats is allowing them to feed in the pasture as much as possible. This process is time consuming, and you must manage and keep track of your goat as much as possible. You need to ensure that you maintain the pasture so the goats do not run out of food, that will include rotational grazing and pasture maintenance. You will also have to consider several other factors, like ensuring that the goats are safely enclosed from predators. So you must have sturdy fence in place to keep predators at bay. But the pasture will provide adequate all-natural nutrition for your goats.

    Pasture and Browsing

    • Goats will always prefer "browsing" to "grazing." An ideal all-natural feeding environment would include things that they can browse on, like trees, shrubs and brush. As you maintain your pasture, you should consider planting seeds for different types of vegetation for your goats. The goats will enjoy the variety. Try pine trees, brambles, honeysuckle, wild herbs, weeds and bushes, or whatever plants are native to your area.


    • If you don't have a large pasture where your goats can graze and browse, you can always supplement their nutritional needs with hay. Just be sure to purchase only high quality hay. The hay itself should be clean, meaning that it is free from dust and mold. When you hold it close to your nose, it should smell sweet and it should not smell like freshly cut grass. Ensure that the hay was not rained on after it was cut.


    • Another option besides hay would be to supplement your goats' diet with goat feed. You could provide your goat with a diet of both hay and feed or just feed. You just need to ensure that you buy only organic goat feed that is made from all-natural ingredients. It should not have chemicals, herbicides or fumigants, nor should it be grown with any of these harsh chemicals. These substances are damaging to the systems of goats, as well as to the earth.