How to Feed Goats Pomegranates

A goat will usually eat anything that crosses its path, including bushes, grass and trees. Feeding a goat and keeping it healthy requires that you provide it with a wide range of foliage on which to feast. You may also want to reward your goat by giving it the occasional treat, such as pomegranates. Although not a primary source of nutrition, pomegranates are not poisonous to goats and are good treats for goats when cut into small pieces to prevent overfeeding.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp knife
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    • 1

      Remove the top of the pomegranate by cutting a circular lid in the top. This action is similar to removing the top of a pumpkin.

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      Push the knife down through the five dividing walls of the pomegranate, which you can then fold out into sections.

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      Place a small section of the pomegranate in your open hand and offer it to your goat.

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      Let the goat take the pomegranate out of your hand. Using an open hand helps prevent accidental bites and nibbles.