How to Take Care of a Miniature Nubian Goat

A mini Nubian is a cross between a regular Nubian goat and a miniature Nigerian. These little goats come in a wide range of mixed colors and are only about 3 feet tall. Mini Nubian goats are primarily raised as pets but they can also give two-thirds the amount of milk that a standard sized Nubian can produce. They are sweet, sociable animals that do best with companions. Mini Nubians are often allowed inside city limits as pets, but check with your municipality before you purchase one. Minis need special food and dietary supplements, outdoor housing, grooming treatments and regular vet visits.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen
  • Goat shed
  • Hay
  • Milk crate
  • Alfalfa
  • Goat chow
  • Water
  • Small dish
  • Baking soda
  • Salt block
  • Brush
  • Hoof trimmers and file
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      Build a pen for the Nubian goat to keep it from straying unless you have a fully fenced area. The goat will eat any vegetation around so you may need to pen it to prevent it from eating your plants.

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      Provide a goat shed for the little animal. You can also use a dog house or barn as long as it is draft-free and warm. Fill the bottom with fresh hay and keep it mucked out so the goat has a clean bed.

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      Put a milk crate or other high item in the pen area. Mini Nubian goats hate wet feet and like something to stand on when it rains.

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      Provide the goat with a variety of food such as a bucket of alfalfa and some goat chow. They also need fresh water daily, a small dish of baking soda and a salt block to provide trace minerals. The baking soda helps goats with digestion.

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      Brush the goat's hair a few times a week and trim its hooves at least every three weeks. File them after so they are even. Take the goat to the vet at least bi-yearly to get wormed and vaccinated.