Information on Worming Goats

Goats can get infested with different kinds of parasites as a result of grazing in contaminated areas. Worm goats on a regular basis with a good quality wormer that is appropriate for the type of worms the goats have. A fecal exam done by a veterinarian can determine the exact type of worms and give an indication as to the severity of the infestation. Use wormer that is also appropriate for lice and other external parasites on a routine basis to help control a variety of problems that often accompany internal worm infestations.
  1. Concern

    • Goats infested with worms can have many different kinds of problems. Worms weaken goats by sucking their blood through the lining of the stomach and intestines, causing diarrhea, dehydration and, in the case of severe infestations, anemia, stunted growth, weight loss and death. Infested goats typically look rough, with dry, shaggy coats, swollen bellies and thinness through the ribs and over the back. They may also have bottle jaw, a condition where the face swells due to edema caused by worms.


    • Goats usually acquire worms from their environment. Many types of worms release eggs or larvae into pastures and other grassy areas, where they lie dormant until a goat or other host animal happens to eat the grass the parasites are clinging to. The worms then travel to the goat's stomach where they grow, feed on the goat and eventually complete their life cycle. One infected goat can quickly contaminate an entire pasture.

    Worming Process

    • Goats are wormed based on how much they weigh. Since it is not always practical to put a goat on the scales, a weight tape can be used to measure the goat and determine an approximate weight for it. Wormers are usually given orally, some mixed with feed and others force-fed to the goat. There are also injectable wormers. Unless directed otherwise, worming is done on a monthly basis. Many goat owners choose to alternate wormers every month, to kill more kinds of worms and to prevent the worms from building up a tolerance to a particular chemical. All animals in the herd must be wormed at the same time in order for the worming to be effective.

    Herbal Wormers

    • There are various types of herbal goat wormers on the market for people who prefer not to worm their goats with harsh chemical wormers. These products typically rely on a combination of organic, herbal ingredients and will get rid of active worm infestations, but may not reach worms outside of the goat's digestive tract. Such products require repeated applications, often on a weekly basis to keep the worms under control. Even natural products can cause harm, so the ingredients should be checked for safety before administering the wormer.