Herbal Wormers for Goats

According to Fias Co Farm, goats infested with worms display several signs, such as pale gums, diarrhea, dull coat, reduced production of milk, listlessness, going off the feed, slightly high body temperature, dehydration and failure of the rumen. In case the goat has lung worms, it will suffer from chronic dry cough, which tends to worsen after running. In case of severe infestation, the goat may experience a swelling under the jaw known as bottle jaw.
  1. Why Opt for Herbal Wormers for Goats

    • The biggest worry about deworming goats is whether to opt for herbal wormers or commercial products. Generally, commercial wormers are avoided as they adopt standard doses without taking into consideration other circumstances, like the size of the goat, the climate and types of parasites. Also, herbal wormers ensure that the worms do not get resistant to the herbs, as is the case with chemical-based wormers. While homeopathic remedies are available, they should be made for a specific herd belonging to a specific location in order to be effective. Hence, the best alternative for goat breeders is herbal wormers.

    Molly's Herbals Worm Formula

    • This is a two-part herbal wormer formulated and designed by Fias Co Farm and works on several levels. It helps to kill and expel the worms from the body of the goat, and helps to build a stronger immune system, so that the animal has the ability to fight future infestations. It can be given to pregnant animals as it does not contain wormwood. Furthermore, this formulation does not contain any kind of laxative herb, and therefore, it does not cause any stress to the animal's gastrointestinal tract.

    Wormwood, Black Walnut and Pau d' Arco

    • When a new goat joins the herd, it is best to deworm the goat immediately. Add quassia chips into the drinking water and allow them to stay in the water for a week. Simultaneously, feed the new addition a mix of wormwood, black walnut and pau d' arco to eliminate any worms it may be harboring.

    Other Herbal Wormers for Goats

    • Garlic and parsley are gentle wormers for goats, especially pregnant does and recently weaned kids. However, if you notice worms in the poop of the animals, it is best to go for a stronger herbal wormer.

      Pumpkin seeds, wild carrots and wild mustard are also extremely effective in killing and removing worms from goats. Even adding neem to the feed or herbal wormers can be highly effective in eliminating worms. But, refrain from using neem during mating season as it lowers the semen count. (

    When to Use Herbal Wormers

    • It is advisable to continue using the herbal wormers on a weekly basis, but in order to ensure effectiveness, rotate the wormer combinations based on the weather, time of the year and the types of parasites. But, it is best to consult a vet to be certain. Make sure that you deworm a doe after she delivers as the birth weakens a doe's system and makes her more susceptible to infestations.

    How to Feed Herbal Wormers

    • Add a handful of the dried or fresh herbs or herbal combinations into the feed of the animals. The herbal wormers can also be fed separately by placing them in the feed pans. Alternatively, dried herbs can be dropped into the drinking water and allowed to steep. This forms a kind of medicinal tea that the goats can drink.