How to Prevent Coccidiosis in Baby Goats

Coccidiosis is a parasitic intestinal infection that affects livestock and pets. In goats, the two main strains of coccidiosis, Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae and Eimeria arlongi, are ingested and the parasitic eggs infest the intestinal tract. The disease eventually escalates, causing a breakdown of the intestine's mucosal lining, leading to diarrhea, decreased appetite, dehydration and, in extreme cases, death. Prevention is the most effective way to prevent the spread of the disease among livestock.

Things You'll Need

  • Coccidiostat
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      Isolate any animals that are showing signs of coccidiosis immediately. Feed them from separate food and water troughs, and do not allow the goats to graze in the same area as any other animals.

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      Sprinkle a coccidiostat, such as decoquinate or lasalocid, over the goat's feed. These drugs work by interfering with the reproductive cycle of the parasites. The drugs are especially effective when fed to kids at 3 weeks of age, and again three weeks later. Some goat feeds come pre-mixed with coccidiostat.

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      Replenish the goat's drinking water supply on a daily basis. This ensures that the goats are not consuming dirty, infected water.

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      Clean the pens and bedding used by the goats on a weekly basis. The coccidiosis-causing parasites thrive in unkempt, filthy conditions. Removing any infected fecal matter from the pens limits the goat's exposure to the disease.

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      Feed the goats in varying pastures every three weeks. Rotating the goats into fresh, uninfected pastures ensures that they are not consuming any of the parasitic eggs that lead to the illness.

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      Avoid over-crowding in the goat's living area. This causes the disease to spread between the goats more quickly.