How to Clean Angora Goats

Angora goats are raised for mohair, the soft hair they produce, which can be blended with wool to create garments. Package clean mohair for selling, as dirty mohair will be discounted significantly. Clean the goats themselves with a pet-safe, all-natural shampoo from your local pet supply store. If you want to only clean the mohair after shearing the goats, the procedure is different.

Things You'll Need

  • Large bucket
  • All-natural shampoo and conditioner
  • Washing machine or deep sink
  • All-natural washing detergent
  • Drying screens or racks
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  1. Clean the Angora Goat

    • 1
      Fill a large bucket with warm water.

      Fill the large bucket with warm water and bring it out to the goat's pen. If more convenient, bring the goat to the source of the warm water, as you may need to refill the bucket.

    • 2
      Pet the goat so she feels comfortable.

      Pet the angora goat so she feels safe and calm.

    • 3

      Apply shampoo to the angora goat's body generously and splash water on the area to create a lather. Gently wash the angora goat in slow, circular motions. Repeat this process until the entire goat is washed and rinse the goat thoroughly with warm water until visible soap suds are gone.

    • 4

      Apply conditioner to the angora goat's fur in the same fashion you applied shampoo. In a circular motion, rub the conditioner into the fur and let it sit for several minutes. Rinse the goat thoroughly with warm water and dry her off with a towel.

    Clean the Mohair (After Shearing)

    • 5

      Place the mohair into a mesh bag.

    • 6

      Fill the washing machine or deep sink with hot water, approximately 160 F. Place the mohair into the water and let it sit, fully submerged, for a half hour.

    • 7

      Drain the water from the washing machine if this is what you used, and use the spin cycle only to spin the water from the mohair. Lift the mohair out of the water if you used a deep sink and squeeze it out. Put it aside while the sink drains.

    • 8

      Refill either the washer or the deep sink and add 1/4 cup of all-natural washing detergent for every pound of mohair. Submerge the mohair into the water gently and let it soak for a half hour to an hour.

    • 9

      Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the mohair appears clean. Rinse the mohair in hot water several times until the water is clean and clear. Allow it to dry under direct sunlight on racks or screens.