How to Judge Dairy Goats

Goat judging encourages the maintenance of breeding standards necessary for a healthy and productive stock. Dairy goats are judged by the shape of their body, or conformation, and dairy character, or the ability to turn nutrition into milk instead of muscle or fat. The six breeds of goats recognized by the American Dairy Goat Association include Saanen, Nubian, Oberhasli, La Mancha, Toggenburg and Alpine. While each breed's physical characteristics vary, they are judged according to a common standard of conformation.

Things You'll Need

  • Scorecard
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    • 1

      Examine the legs and feet by running your hands down the length of the leg from the thigh down to the foot. Look for legs that are straight and squarely set. Hooves should be square, with a narrow cleft.

    • 2

      Run your hands along the head of the goat. Look for wide nostrils, a broad muzzle and eyes that are bright and alert. The jaw should be square and strong.

    • 3

      Feel the goat's udders. The teats should be medium in length, cylindrical and uniform in size. The udder will ideally have a large capacity without excess tissue.

    • 4

      Run your hands down the length of the goat's body from head to tail. Feel for a concave curve to the spine and clearly defined vertebrae. A thick barrel chest and a wide ribcage is ideal.

    • 5

      Compile a score that includes the goat's general appearance, its dairy character, body capacity and mammary system.