How to Feed Tomatoes to Goats

Goats are friendly animals that are often kept on farms for their milk and meat and as companions. More closely related to deer than to cattle, goats require shelter and a pasture so that they can graze. Goats are ruminant animals, which means that their stomachs are designed to eat foods such as hay, shrubs, weeds, grain and grass. While these foods should comprise the majority of a goat's diet, these animals can also eat vegetables, such as tomatoes, as occasional treats.

Things You'll Need

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Tomato cores
  • Tomato trimmings
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      Provide your goats with regular, daily access to a pasture where they can browse at will. According to the Sheep and Goat website, daily access to a pasture is enough to meet the nutritional requirements of mature goats.

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      Supply another food source for your goats, such as grass hay, when sufficient pasture is unavailable. The Sheep and Goat website states that approximately 3 lbs. of hay is needed per day for a goat weighing 150 lbs. Place the grass hay in a trough to avoid contamination.

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      Give your goats whole or cherry tomatoes as an occasional treat. Goats enjoy vegetables and will eat the tomatoes eagerly.

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      Reduce your household waste by saving the cores and trimmings of any tomatoes you use and feeding them to your goats.

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      Do not feed the leaves of tomatoes to your goats as, according to the Boer Crossing website, they are poisonous to them.

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      Don't forget to ensure that your goats have access to fresh, clean water at all times.