How to Register a Breeding Doe & Buck Goat

Goat registries exist to keep track of the lineages of goats. There are many in the world of goats: some cater to general goat populations, others to dairy or meat goats and yet others for miniatures or fiber goats. The larger registries will often sponsor shows where registered goats can compete for awards based on their body structures. If your goats come from parents who are already entered in the same registry, registering them will not be difficult.

Things You'll Need

  • Registration application
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      Check the inside of each goat's ears for tattoos before purchasing the goat. Match the tattoos to the seller's paperwork. If the goat matches the paperwork, you will be able to register them with the application form. Ask the seller to fill out the transfer form or application and sign it before you leave with your goats.

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      Transfer an older goat's certificate of registration by completing the application on the back of the certificate. Fill in information such as your name, address, phone and include a check to pay the registration fee. Many registries will give a discount if you are a member of the registry. If you wish to join, contact the registry before submitting the paperwork.

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      Register a young, unregistered goat using a registration application. Obtain the application from the seller at the time of purchase and be certain the owner has signed the paperwork. Provide your name, address and other pertinent information where indicated and submit the form with a check to cover the registration fee. You can usually join the registry at the same time you register a baby goat.