Herbal Tinctures to Deworm Goats

Goats are extremely susceptible to parasites called worms due to their grazing patterns and weakness in immunity. All goats have worms, but unchecked worm infestations can cause severe health problems and even death. Chemical dewormers are used to weed out growing worm populations in the goat. However; due to noted disadvantages of chemical dewormers, many goat owners use herbal dewormers instead.
  1. Worm Symptoms

    • Symptoms of worms in goats include diarrhea, clumpy stool, pale or white gums, dehydration, dull coat and listlessness. Goats suffering from a lungworm infestation may also experience chronic coughing, usually in the form of a dry cough, after running or other physical exertion. A severe worm infestation can cause swelling under the jaw, known as "bottle jaw," in goats. Unchecked worm infestations in goats can result in death.

    Disadvantages of Chemical Deworming

    • Chemical dewormers are essentially poisons. Chemical dewormers contain just enough poison to kill the parasites and flush them out, but not enough to affect the health of the host goat. Because of this, chemical dewormers must be administered exactly as prescribed, and should never be overused for fear of sickening or killing the goat. Worms build up resistance to chemical wormers, which means goat owners must switch dewormer brands often. As soon as one brand of chemical dewormer stops working, another brand must be used to continue killing the worms.

    Advantages of Herbal Deworming

    • Herbal dewormers are gentler on the goat's system. Most herbal dewormers function both as treatment and as a preventative measure. Herbal dewormers kill and flush out existing worm infestations while helping the goat's immune system build up resistance to the parasites. Healthy animals are much less susceptible to worm infestations than animals with less effective immune systems. Additionally, worms typically do not build up resistance to herbal dewormers, meaning the same dewormer can be used continuously without losing effectiveness.

    When to Deworm

    • Herbal dewormers should be used continuously throughout the year. Although chemical dewormers can be poisonous to the goat if overused, herbal dewormers pose no such danger. Most herbal dewormers recommend weekly deworming throughout the entire year. Herbal dewormers are safe to use on pregnant goats, and female goats should be dewormed soon after giving birth.